Christian Arnsperger
Christian Arnsperger is a German economist, doctor of economic sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, and Master of Research at FNRS. The main spheres of his research are the epistemology of economics, the anthropological implications of economic growth and the transition from capitalism to post-capitalism.
Among his main publications are “Éthique économique et sociale” (2003), “Critical political economy: Complexity, rationality, and the logic of post-orthodox pluralism” (2008), “Éthique de l’existence post-capitaliste - Pour un militantisme existential” (2009), “Full-spectrum economics: Toward an inclusive and emancipatory social science” (2010).
3 publications
Ecologie intégrale. Pour une société permacirculaire.
Christian Arnsperger, Dominique Bourg, Editions PUF, Collection: Ecologie en questions (L’), Oktober 2017
Money and Sustainability: The Missing Link
A report of the Club of Rome - EU chapter
Bernard Lietaer, Christian Arnsperger, Stefan Brunnhuber, Sally Dr.Goerner, Triarchy Press, UK, 2012
L’ Homme économique et le sens de la vie. Petit traité d’alter économie.
Christian Arnsperger, Editions Textuel, Paris, France, Oktober 2011
Analysis document/working paper/article
Want to really help expand Social and Solidarity Economy? Then start rethinking money!
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Christian Arnsperger, Mai 2013