Eric Lavillunière
He holds a Master “Social Economy and Local Development” from the University of Paris XIII (1986). He worked at the CECOP (European Confederation of Cooperatives of Production) in Brussels from 2001 mainly on the themes of corporate social responsibility, social enterprise and the relation with social movements including the European Social Forums. He joined INEES in Luxembourg in early 2006 to promote the solidarity economy as the third economic pillar between private sector and public economics. After organizing the 4th intercontinental congress on “Globalization of Solidarity” in Schifflange in 2009, he was one of the founders of RIPESS Europe in 2011. In 2010 INEES also organized the 10th meeting of the Interuniversity network RIUESS, with the University of Luxembourg, Protagonist of an European dynamic within RIPESS Europe, Eric Lavillunière promoted popular education, inspired to the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. He is also very engaged in the Transition Minett ‘, which is involved in the movement of Transition Towns.
Una pubblicazione
Vers une théorie de l’économie sociale et solidaire
Sous la direction de David Hiez, Eric Lavillunière, Editions Larcier, Collection: Droit et économie sociale et solidaire, Belgique/France, gennaio 2013
Un articolo
Free public transport in Luxembourg
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, April 2023
Eric Lavillunière, aprile 2023