Karl Birkhölzer
Dr. Karl Birkhölzer, born in 1941, lives and works in Berlin.
He did studies in economics, social sciences and education and has a university diploma in social economics (Dipl. Sozialwirt) and a PhD in economics, planning and engineering education (Dr.phil.).
After some years of practical experiences in social work and adult education (1965 – 1969) he was working and teaching engineering education and vocational training at several Berlin universities (1969 – 1984) before organising and directing a programme on socially useful and ecologically sound product development studies at the Technical University of Berlin (1985 – 2010).
Confronted with the growing risk of unemployment he started an unemployed self help initiative (PAULA e.V) in 1983 with the aim of setting up new local employment initiatives, a research and development agency, an education centre for economic self help and local development, and finally a social enterprise (Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e.V.) from 1987 onwards.
As chair of the Interdisciplinary Research Group Local Economy at the Technical University of Berlin (1987 – 2010)
and president of the European Network for Economic Self Help and Local Development (1992 – 2006) he has directed
several transnational research and development projects in the field of local and community economic development, social economy and social enterprises, third system and employment, civil society and related issues.
He is also member of the EMES Research Network, the CIRIEC Scientific Commission on the Social and Cooperative Economy and other international networks or partnerships.
Officially retired from his university post in 2006 he continued to work voluntarily and started an academy for the local social economy in 2009 (www.Cest-transfer.de).
The following selected publications are available in English:
Community Economic Development and Social Enterprises (1997);
Key Values and Structures of Social Enterprises in Western Europe (1997);
A Philosophical Rationale for the Promotion of Local Economic Initiatives (1999);
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Local Partnerships Promoting Social Cohesion (2000);
Grassroots Local Partnerships in the Federal Republic of Germany (2001);
Work Integration trough Employment and Training Companies in Berlin and its Surrounding Region (2001);
The Contribution of Social Capital in the Social Economy to Local Economic Development (2003);
BEST. Berlin Development Agency for Social Enterprises and Neighbourhood Development (2004);
Development und Perspectives of the Social Economy or Third Sector in Germany (2006);
Challenges of Social and Solidarity-based Economy in Europe. An East/West Comparison (2009);
Local Social Economy Learning Package. A European Curriculum for Social Enterprise Practitioners and Supporters (2009);
The Role of Social Enterprise in Local Economic Development (2009).
Dr. Karl Birkhölzer
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e.V.
Wiesenstr. 29
D-13357 Berlin
2 strumenti pedagogici
Unit 2: Powerpoint 3 : The impact of Social Enterprises
Karl Birkhölzer, 2013
Local Social Economy Learning Package
A European Curriculum for Social Enterprise Practitioners and Supporters
Karl Birkhölzer, settembre 2009
7 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli
Historische Entwicklung und Wirkungsanalyse sozialer Unternehmen in Deutschland
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
Karl Birkhölzer, June 2018
Social enterprise models in Germany
ICSEM Working Papers No. 2015-15, Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
Karl Birkhölzer, 2015
Social Enterprise in Germany: Understanding Concepts and Context
ICSEM Working Papers No. 14. Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models(ICSEM) Project.
Karl Birkhölzer, Nicole GÖLER VON RAVENSBURG, Gunnar GLÄNZEL, Christian LAUTERMANN, Georg MILDENBERGER, 2015
The role of social enterprise in local economic development
2nd EMES International Conference on Social Enterprise Trento (Italy) - July 1-4, 2009
Karl Birkhölzer, luglio 2009
The Third System as innovative force : an attempt at a definition of its function
Karl Birkhölzer, 2004
Information paper
Karl Birkhölzer, 2003
Projet né de la conférence européenne « Wirtschaft von Unten / People’s Economy » qui eut lieu du 31 août au 4 septembre 1994 à Dessau en Allemagne.
Karl Birkhölzer, October 1996
3 Interventi pubblici
Practice and potential for the future of territorial pacts
Paper for the conference “Promoting co-operative territorial economy to combat poverty and social exclusion” Brusssels, 23rd of November 2010
Karl Birkhölzer, novembre 2010
Development and perspectives of the Social Economy or the Third Sector in Germany
paper for the 1st European Conference EMES, 27 to 29 of April 2005, ParisFrance,
Karl Birkhölzer, January 2006
Local Economic Development and its Potential
Paper for the seminar on “Local Economic Development”, organized by the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-Eastern Europe, 14th to 15th of April 2005 in Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karl Birkhölzer, aprile 2005