Rob Hopkins
Rob Hopkins is the cofounder of Transition Town Totnes and of the Transition Network. He has many years’ experience in education, teaching permaculture, and natural building, and set up the first two year-full-time permaculture course in the world, at Kinsale Further Education College in Ireland, as well as coordinating the first eco-village development in Ireland to be granted planning permission.
He is author of Woodlands for West Cork!, Energy Descent Pathways and most recently The Transition Handbook: From oil dependency to local resilience, which has been published in a number of other languages.
9 pubblicazioni
Et si… on libérait notre imagination pour créer le futur que nous voulons ?
Rob Hopkins, Editions Actes Sud, Arles, France, June 2020
From What is to What If. Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want.
Rob Hopkins, Chelsea Green Publishing, October 2019
The Transition starts here, now and together
Rob Hopkins, Lionel Astruc, Editions Actes Sud, Arles, France, ottobre 2017
Ils changent le monde! 1001 initiatives de transition écologique
Rob Hopkins, Editions du Seuil, Paris, France, October 2014
Einfach. Jetzt. Machen! Wie wir unsere Zukunft selbst in die Hand nehmen
Rob Hopkins, oekom verlag München, Deutchland, 2014
The Power of Just Doing Stuff How local action can change the world
Rob Hopkins, Green Books, United Kingdom, giugno 2013
Le pouvoir d’agir ensemble, ici et maintenant. Entretiens.
Rob Hopkins, Lionel Astruc, Editions Actes Sud, Arles, France, novembre 2012
The Transition Companion Making Your Community More Resilient in Uncertain Times
Rob Hopkins, Chelsea Green Publishing, USA, ottobre 2011
Local Food. How to Make it Happen in Your Community.
Tamzin Pinkerton, Rob Hopkins, Green Books, United Kingdom, 2009
Un strumento pedagogico
by the Transition network Team Rob Hopkins, Michael Thomas, 2016
Transition Initiatives Primer.
becoming a Transition Town, City, District, Village, Community or even Island
Rob Hopkins, Ben Brangwyn, 2010
Un studio di caso
Bologna, the City with a ‘Civic Imagination Office’
Blog Resilience
Rob Hopkins, marzo 2019