Italy’s Emilia Romagna Clustering Co-op Development
Article from Cooperative Grocer for retailors and cooperators, #109, November-December 2003
David J. Thompson, novembre 2003
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Recent cooperative development in the northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna can be broken down into three time periods. First,the postwar era (1945-1965) of rebuilding cooperative structures and clustering cooperative development. Second, the growing interaction of the cooperatives with the regional economic policy. In the 1970s the national government of Italy empowered the regions of Italy with greater economic autonomy. Third, the massive entry of cooperatives in the social sector in the 1990s.
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Cahier d’Initiatives. Annexe au document d’orientation des Rencontres du Mont Blanc 2011
Louis Favreau, Mario Hébert, November 2011