Your Money Or Your Life: Time For Both
Martin Simon, Freedom Favours, UK, 2010

“When I first heard about Timebanking I was working as a community organiser and it was clear to me that our social environment was in serious trouble - people did not seem to know their neighbours or to mix freely with others in their local communities. I was convinced that we had to take action before the damage being caused to the social fabric of our society was irreversible. After looking at many other social innovations Timebanking seemed to me by far the best option and over the past ten years it has grown faster than we ever expected. Every day more people are stepping aside from a totally money driven life style and becoming more fulfilled, more secure, more in control of their lives and more hopeful - by taking up timebanking. They are also rebuilding their neighbourhoods, making new friends and enjoying themselves for free! I have been privileged to be at the centre of this quiet social revolution and have been keeping a record of all the ordinary, everyday ‘miracles’ that timebankng has brought about.”(Martin Simon)