the SSE concept
Themes : An alternative vision of the economy
16 publications
Social Alternatives in Southern Europe and Latin America
Solidarity, Mutual Aid, and Cooperation in Comparative Perspective (19th–21st Centuries)
Edited by Montserrat Duch-Plana, Josep M. Pons-Altés, Routledge Ed., March 2024
Social Economy Science. Transforming the Economy and Making Society More Resilient.
Edited by Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, Marika Bernhard, Oxford University Press, UK, 2023
Jean-Louis Laville, University of Minnesota Press, USA, 2023
Social Reproduction, Solidarity Economy, Feminisms and Democracy. Latin America and India.
Edited by Christine Verschuur, Isabelle Guérin, Isabelle Hillenkamp, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
in People-Centered Social Innovation Global Perspectives on an Emerging Paradigm
Linda Lundgaard Andersen, Swati Banerjee, Routledge, 2019
STIR issue 16, Winter 2017: Solidaity Economics
AA.VV., Stir to Action, January 2017
Social and Solidarity Economy The World’s Economy with a Social Face
Sara Calvo, Andres Morales, Yanni Zikidis, Routledge UK, 2017
Social Economy in China and the World
PUN Ngai, KU Hok-Bun Ku, YAN Hairong, KOO Anita, Routledge, USA, 2016
Social and Solidarity Economy. Beyond the Fringe.
Peter Utting, ZED books UK, April 2015
Toward an Epistemological Foundation for Social and Solidarity Economy
Occasional Paper 3. Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy
Anup Dash, UNRISD, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2014
The Solidarity Economy Alternative Emerging Theory and Practice
Edited by Vishwas Satgar, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, South Africa, February 2014
Solidarity Economy I: Building Alternatives for People and Planet
Emily Kawano, Thomas Neal Masterson, Jonathan Teller-Elsberg, Center for Popular Economics, USA, June 2010
The Social Economy International. Perspectives on Economic Solidarity
Edited by Ash Amin, Zed Books, UK, September 2009
Another production is possible: Beyond the capitalist canon
Edited by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Verso Books, USA and UK, July 2006
Michael Albert, AK Press, San Francisco, USA, 2004
Social economy: International debates and pespectives
Jean-Marc Fontan, Eric Shragge, Black Rose Books;Canada, 2000
2 thesis
South Africa’s Embrace of the Social Economy
Degree of Masters of Arts (Development Studies), Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Michalya Schonwald Moss, March 2012
A Comparison of Rural Social Enterprises in Britain and the Czech Republic
Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno
Nadia Johanisova, April 2007
45 Videos
The Social and Solidarity Economy as a pathway to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the role of UNTFSSE
June 2021
“Building the Solidarity Economy” Recording
March 2021
Webinar : Using a Candidate Questionnaire to Advance Solidarity Economics
US SEN and Transition US
July 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Session 3 : SSE dimensions no. 3, 4, 5 by Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria
May 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Session 2 : SSE dimensions no. 1 & 2 by Dr Benjamin Quinones Jr
May 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Session 1 : Introductory to ASEC and to SSE as social system
May 2020
What is Social and Solidarity Economy?
May 2019
APRÈS (GE), le réseau genevois de l’économie sociale et solidaire.
November 2018
Economy changes. Change the economy:
September 2017
Audio : Ep4: The Solidarity economy
Upstream conversations
January 2017
Decolonizing the Economy from the Ground Up: Case Study Boston Ujima Project
August 2016
Peer Cooperativism: Vincles entre l’econ. col·laborativa, la feminista i la social
Procomuns: Commons Collaborative Economies and Public Policies, Barcelona, March 2016
March 2016
3 minutes, 3 messages: Public Policies for SSE
Betrayal and Solidarity in Greece
Upstream conversations
Mr. Daniel Tygel at RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2015
Transformative proposals of the p2p foundation. Michel Bauwens.
June 2015
Practical Impact of Social and Solidarity Economy
April 2015
A Story about Social and Solidarity Economy by Challenging the Crisis
Commons, Economy for the common good and Solidarity Economy: What do they share?
Degrowth conference, Leipzig 2014
September 2014
Five Minute Crash Course in the Social and Solidarity Economy
The Impact of the Social Economy
Shapes of Exchange in the Solidarity Economy
Solidarity NYC
December 2013
Mr. Pierre Calame, Greetings at RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Dr Alfredo Pascual at RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Ms. Nancy Neamtan at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Jun Simon at RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Ng Yeen Seen @ Asean Leadership Forum 2013 3rd Day of RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Dr. Eduardo Gonzales @ Asean Leadership Forum 2013 3rd Day RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Paul Singer at Asean Leadership Forum 2013 , 3rd Day of RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Dr. Emmanuel Luna at RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Michael Lewis at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 to 5)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Day 1 Dr. Benjamin R. Quinones, Jr. at RIPESS Manila 2013 Part 1 « SSE vs Market Economy »
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Day 1 Mr. Jason Nardi at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Sec. Dinky Soliman @ Asean Leadership Forum 2013, 3rd Day of RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Peter Utting Asean Leadership Forum 2013, 3rd Day of RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Peter Utting, October 2013
SSE Conference Closing Remarks
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
Ben Quiñones--Priorities for Research, Policy and Action
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
SSE Conference Opening Session
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
Voices for Social and Solidarity Economy: Towards an Alternative?
UNRISD International conference Potential and limits of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) : Towards an Alternative economy, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
SAGE Conference: Mapping the Solidarity Economy Part 1 and 2
October 2012
Thomas Altfather Good, March 2011
Feminist Economics: solidarity economy-rough edit
April 2010
13 pedagogical tools
Exploring the SSE for the SDGs: the online course
September 2023
Solidarity Economy 101. Values, Framework, Real-World Examples (101 revised slides)
Mike Strode, April Taylor, David Ferris and Emily Kawano, August 2021
Unit 2: Powerpoint 2 : Social Solidarity economy
October 2019
SSE.E IVET : Training module 3. Ethical and Solidarity Finance and Resources
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
August 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
SSE.E IVET : Training module 2. Democratic Management in the Social Solidarity Economy
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
August 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
SSE.E IVET : Training module 1. Social Solidarity Economy Values and Principles
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
August 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
Syllabus: Solidarity Economy Movements
Craig Borowiak, April 2016
Challenging the crisis : a guide to Social and Solidarity Economy
December 2015
Enhancing studies and practice of the social and solidarity economy. A reference handbook.
Margaret Meredith, Catalina Quiroz Niño Arando, S., Coelho, L.S., Silva, M.F. & Villafuerte Pezo, A.M., September 2015
Solidarity Economy Workshop Pathways to a just and sustainable world (Workshop)
Emily Kawano, 2013
Social and Solidarity Economy: Our common road towards Decent Work
Reader for the ILO Academy on Social And Solidarity Academy 2011
Nancy Néamtan, Mathieu de Poorter, Leandro Pereira Morais, Bénédicte Fonteneau, Fredrick Wanyama, Carlo Borzaga, Giulia Galera, Tom Fox, Nathaneal Ojong, October 2011
Social Economy reference guide
Chantier de l’Economie sociale et autres, 2007
One proposal
RIPESS statement for the UN DESA the NGO Branch
Invitation to The Office for Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
May 2020
4 case studies
Community Supported Agriculture
-blurring the boundaries between producers and consumers, urban and rural, and furthering our commons and commoning : furthering change!
Ruby Van der Wekken, Jukka Lassila, November 2022
Reconfiguring the social and solidarity economy in a Danish/ Nordic welfare context
3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminarn Welfaire societies in Transition, Roskilde, April 2018
Lars HULGÅRD, Linda Lundgaard Andersen, April 2018
3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminarn Welfaire societies in Transition, Roskilde, April 2018
Ana Margarida Esteves, April 2018
A report by Solidarity Economy Initiative
Penn Loh, Sarah Jimenez, February 2017
104 Analyses/working papers/articles
The RIPESS contribution - A detailed account.
Yvon Poirier, December 2024
Historic Breakthrough for Social and Solidarity Economy at the International Labour Organization
UNRISD working papers
Hamish Jenkins, January 2023
The Solidarity Economy: A Way Forward for Our De-Futured World
The Journal of Social Encounters, Vol. 7 (2023) > Iss. 2, 24-48
Julie Matthaei, Matthew Slaats, 2023
Black Feminists in the Third Sector: Here Is Why We Choose to use the term Solidarity Economy
The Review of Black Political Economy 1–27
June 2022
Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy
AA.VV., May 2022
Fight and build: solidarity economy as ontological politics
by Sustainability Science, volume 17, pp. 1207-1221
Penn Loh, Boone Shear, 2022
The Social and Solidarity Economy: Roots and Horizons
New Economies for Sustainability pp 71–81
Linda Lundgaard Andersen, Lars HULGÅRD, Jean-Louis Laville, December 2021
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 9 (2021) 1 001 45
Balasubramanian Iyer, Simren Singh, October 2021
The Social and Solidarity Economy: From the Margins to the Mainstream. Highlights
September 2021
Social and solidarity economy conceptual contributions to the circular economy
Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle), vol. 37, no. 70
How is social and solidarity economy defined: an analisis of 100 concepts
En The Social and Solidarity Economy in Latin America Strategies and recommendations for a continent in crisis. The Development of the Common Good. Pablo Baisotti & Horacio López (eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Arturo Luque González, Juan Fernando Álvarez Rodríguez, 2021
System Change: A Basic Primer to the Solidarity Economy
NPQ - Non Profit Quarterly - July 8, 2020
Emily Kawano, Julie Matthaei, July 2020
Mapping VET trainers’ competences and existing SSE training programs
Flyer Erasmus project SSE-Vocational Educational Training (SSE-VET2)
Solidarity Oxford. Mapping the Solidarity Economy in Oxford
Pilot Project Report
June 2019
A unanimous cry of dissent against the regime
Word Social Forum of Transformative Economies
Ruben Surinyach Padilla, April 2019
Mapping VET trainers’ competences and existing SSE training programs. Final Report.
Final Report
The Contribution of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Finance to the Future of Work
Final report
Edited by Bénédicte Fonteneau, Ignace Pollet, 2019
Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union
Working paper Ciriec 2019/01
Denison Jayasooria, November 2018
Feminism and Revolution: Looking Back, Looking Ahead
Great Transition Initiative
Julie Matthaei, June 2018
Mapping of Intergovernmental Documentation on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
Knowledge Hub Resources
UNRISD, May 2018
Working Paper #1 of the Knowledge Hub Working Paper Series
Peter Utting, April 2018
Episode 16: “Resist & Build”: Discussing the Solidarity Economy (w/ Emily Kawano)
The next system podcast
Emily Kawano, Adam Simpson, February 2018
Social and Solidarity Economy and the Future of Work - ILO 2017
Euricse Working Paper for the ILO/ International Labour Of ce. - Geneva: ILO, 2017
Carlo Borzaga, Gianluca Salvatori, Riccardo Bodini, July 2017
Coming Full Circle: Why Social and Institutional Dimensions Matter for the Circular Economy
Volume 21, Issue 3 June 2017 Pages 497–506
Vincent Moreau, Marlyne Sahakian, Pascal van Griethuysen, François Vuille, June 2017
Seoul, June 2017
June 2017
Position Paper Susy Project
January 2017
Initiatives, Chains and Networking for Transformation
Degrowth in movement(s): Solidarity Economy
Dagmar Embshoff, Clarita Müller-Plantenberg,, Giuliana Giorgi, January 2017
Unifying commons-based projects in a self-organised solidarity economy
Commons Institute Christian Siefkes, Johannes Euler, Gunter Kramp, Nikolas Kichler, November 2016
Chapter 4. Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy through Public Policy
October 2016
UKM Ethnic Studies Paper Series No. 51, September 2016
Jun-E Tan, September 2016
Solidarity economy in Europe : an emerging movement with a common vision
European Summer School Prague July 16-26, 2016
Jason Nardi, July 2016
Directorate General for Internal Policies. Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy of the European Parliament, May 2016
Yvon Poirier, January 2016
Jean-Louis Laville, Rogerio Roque Amaro, January 2016
Mainstreaming Social and Solidarity Economy: Opportunities and Risks for Policy Change
A Background Paper
Peter Utting, 2016
ICSEM Working Papers No. 34 Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
Laurent Fraisse, Laurent Gardin, Jean-Louis Laville, Francesca Petrella, Nadine Richez-Battesti, 2016
Sustainable development goals & Malaysia society : Civil society perspectives
Edited by Denison Jayasooria, 2016
In the Struggle over Urban Space: The Solidarity Economy Movement and Urban Utopianism in Hong Kong
New Community
Terence Yuen, Pauline Chan, 2016
The Role of Social and Solidarity Economy in employment generation. Concept note.
III World Forum of Local Economic Development, Torino, 13 to 16 October 2015
Roberto Di Meglio, Flaviano Zandonai, October 2015
Household and Solidarity Economy
International Summit on Domestic Affairs - “The world. One Household”. 7 to 9 August 2015. Complex of Masters’ Houses. Dessau-Roßlau
Euclides André Mance, August 2015
International Labour Organisation - ILO
Edited by Anita Amorim, Andrew Dale, Charbel Fakhri-Kairouz, July 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy: Beyond the Fringe? Introductory chapter
Peter Utting, April 2015
RIPESS Intercontinental, February 2015
An Epistemological Reflection on Social and Solidarity Economy
Anup Dash, January 2015
Business Ethics Quarterly, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2015, 24 (4), pp.425–435
Pépita Ould-Ahmed, 2015
Solidarity economy and community development: emerging cases in three Massachusetts cities
Communty Development Vol 46, 2015 - Issue 3 : Community Development and Democratic Practice
Penn Loh, Boone Shear, 2015
Can the social sector of the economy in Mexico converge on the concept of social economy?
Paper presented at the 5th Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC) International Research Conference on Social Economy Social Economy in a Globalized World.
Carola Conde Bonfil, 2015
The Social and Solidarity Economy
International Labour Organization - ILO
November 2014
Social Solidarity Economy and related concepts Origins and Definitions: An International Perspective
Yvon Poirier, July 2014
Social and Solidarity Economy and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
A Position Paper by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE)
United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE), July 2014
Economic Crisis, Social Solidarity and the Voluntary Sector in Greece
Journal of Power, Politics & Governance June 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 33-53
Dimitri A. Sotiropoulo, Dimitris Bourikos, June 2014
International Review of Sociology: Revue Internationale de Sociologie. Publisher: Routledge.
Isidor Wallimann, April 2014
Raising the Visibility of Social and Solidarity Economy in the United Nations System
Chapter taken from The Reader 2014: “Social and Solidarity Economy — Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Development”, (ITC and ILO)
Peter Utting, 2014
Social and Solidarity Economy as a Tool for Social Justice
Policy brief Issue n°4
ESCWA United Nations, 2014
Rethinking the Social and Solidarity Society in Light of Community Practice
Sustainability, 2014, vol. 6, issue 9, pages 6432-6445
David Barkin, Blanca Lemus, 2014
Ecological Economics, 2014, vol. 102, issue C, pages 60-68
Christine Bauhardt, 2014
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Cristina Barna, Ancuţa Vameşu, October 2013
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Lenka Pcolinská, October 2013
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Danilo Malta Ferreira, Ioshiaqui SHIMBO, João Callil, Regina Gandolfi, October 2013
Social and Solidarity Economy: A Pathway to Socially Sustainable Development?
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Peter Utting, May 2013
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo, May 2013
Developments in Solidarity Economy in Asia
Denison Jayasooria, March 2013
The Role of Social and Solidarity Economy in Tanzania
Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Faustine K. Bee, 2013
Social economy entities: a worldwide overview
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 2013, vol. 6, issue 2, pages 111-120
Alina Aurelia Grigore, 2013
Community Economy: Ontology, Ethics, and Politics for Radically-Democratic Economic Organizing
Ethan Miller, 2013
Social and solidarity based economy, what opportunities for sustainable consumption in times of crisis and beyond? Marlyne Sahakian, pp.190-206
Sylvia Lorek, Julia Backhaus, May 2012
Julie Matthaei, March 2012
The Food and Agriculture Organisation and the Social and Solidarity-based Economy
Background paper written at the request of the members of the Coordinating Committee of the Civil Society Mechanism of the Committee for Food Security and others present at the Budapest meeting in December 2011
Judith Hitchman, 2012
Comment paper Greece Peer Review on the social economy, France 2012
The Social Economy in the European Union
Euclides André Mance, December 2011
Judith Hitchman, November 2011
October 2011
Claudia Haarmann, Dirk Haarmann, October 2011
Humberto Ortiz Roca, July 2011
No 524, ISS Working Papers - General Series from International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS), The Hague
Andreia Lemaître, A.H.J. (Bert) Helmsing, June 2011
Thesis submitted for a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Sociology at Brown University
Ana Margarida Esteves, May 2011
The solidarity economy: an alternative development strategy?
International Social Sciences Journal, Unesco, Vol. 62, Issue N°203-204, pages 205-215
Eric Dacheux, Daniel Goujon, March 2011
Thesis submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ethan Miller, 2011
Social Economy & Solidarity Economy
Transformative concepts for unprecedented times?
Sonia Buglione, Rainer Schlüter, November 2010
“Social and Solidarity Economy: Building a Common Understanding”
First edition of the ILO Social and Solidarity Economy Academy, 25 -29th October 2010, ITC ILO, Turin, Italy
Bénédicte Fonteneau, Nancy Néamtan, Fredrick Wanyama, Leandro Pereira Morais, Mathieu de Poorter, October 2010
Advancing the Social Economy for Socio-economic Development: International perspectives
The growing attention to the concept of the Social Economy (SE) is indicative of efforts to address inter-related social, economic and environmental issues affecting the sustainable development of people, communities, and nations, and the inter-dependent nature of global human development.
Crystal Tremblay, March 2010
Social and Solidarity Economy: Building a Common Understanding : The reader 2010 (ILO Academy)
The Solidarity Economy: An International Movement
Published in Kawano, Emily and Tom Masterson and Jonathan Teller-Ellsberg (eds). Solidarity Economy I: Building Alternatives for People and Planet. Amherst, MA: Center for Popular Economics. 2010.
Jean-Louis Laville, 2010
Lindsay Rose Adams, 2010
Presented at the Tokyo Seminar on Human Responsibility and Solidarity Economy September 28, 2008 Waseda University, Tokyo
Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., September 2008
Diverse economies: performative practices for ‘other worlds’
Progress in Human Geography (2008) pp. 1–20. Sage Publications.
J.K. Gibson-Graham, 2008
Social enterprise in Europe: Recent trends and developments
Jacques DEFOURNY, Marthe Nyssens, 2008
Michael Lewis, Dan Swinney, 2007
Solidarity Socioeconomy as an Integral New System: Global Vision
Global vision of the solidarity socio-economy, prepared for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting, Nov 19-21, 2005 (summary version).
November 2005
Urban Studies, Vol. 42, No. 11, 2071–2088, October 2005
Frank Moulaert, Jacques Nussbaumer, October 2005
Tentative summary of the socio-economic proposals of the Alliance
This is a summary of the socio-economic proposals of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World, and of the networks of solidarity socio-economy.
Pierre W. Johnson, September 2005
Urban Studies 42, no. 11: 2037-2053.
Frank Moulaert, Oana Ailenei, 2005
Social Economy as Social Science and Practice: Historical Perspectives on France,
Eleventh World Congress of Social Economics, Social Economics: A Paradigm for a Global Society, June 8-11, 2004, Albertville, France
Danièle Demoustier, Damien Rousselière, June 2004
Solidarity Economics: Strategies for Building New Economies From the Bottom-Up and the Inside-Out
A pamphlet written as an adaptation and synthesis of some solidarity economy concepts with other streams of thought and practice. The author’s aim is to help open space for useful conversations about a practice of solidarity economics that is adapted to the particular political, economic, and cultural conditions that are being faced in the United States.
Ethan Miller, February 2004
The Third System as innovative force : an attempt at a definition of its function
Karl Birkhölzer, 2004
Mr. Verma examines the emerging notion of solidarity economy.
Manish Verma, June 2003
The culture of the socioeconomy of solidarity
Article prepared for the Brazilian meeting on “Culture of the Socioeconomy of solidarity” - Rio de Janeiro, June 2000.
Marcos Arruda, July 2000
Solidarity Economy Roads Chapter 2 - The Road of the Poor and the Popular Economy
Luis Razeto Migliaro, 1995
Solidarity Economy Roads Chapter 1 - What is Solidarity Economy?
Luis Razeto Migliaro, 1995
10 Charter/Manifesto
The GSEF 2023 Declaration in Dakar May 6, 2023
May 2023
International manifesto for solidarity economy
June 2020
Declaration for a transforming Social and Solidarity Economy
Bilbao, GSEF 2018
October 2018
Youth declaration of GSEF 2018
Bilbao, October 1-3, 2018
October 2018
Bilbao, October 1-3, 2018
October 2018
ICSW - Global Cooperation newsletter February 2018
February 2018
Praia, Cabo Verde, from 17th - 20th October, for the 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development (LED).
October 2017
July 2016
Realizing the 2030 Agenda through Social and Solidarity Economy
A Position Paper by the UNTFSSE
Social Solidarity Economy Recommendations for the Post-2015 Development Agenda
List of organizations and networks, July 2014
One reader’s report
Literature Review Solidarité et Organisation : penser une autre gestion
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, December 2020
9 public contributions
[ASEC SSE Academy] Introduction to ASEC and to Social Solidarity Economy (SSE)
Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., May 2020
Slides Conceptualizing SDGs and SSE
November 2018
Panel “Democratically owned enterprises: a road towards international solidarity?” (3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar)
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, 2017
Social and Solidarity Economy A Grassroots Economic Alternative to Corporate-led Globalization
Nairobi, Thursday 21 July 2016, Civil Society Forum - CNUCED 14
July 2016
Volume 3 Outras economias / Other economies Junho - June 2015
Edited by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Teresa Cunha, June 2015
The Social and Solidarity Economy. A Theoretical and Plural Framework.
Draft paper prepared for the UNRISD Conference Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy 6–8 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
Jean-Louis Laville, May 2013
Xe Rencontres du RIUESS - Luxembourg - 2 au 4 juin 2010
Susanne Elsen, June 2010
Esteban Romero’s Interviews with Luis Razeto, May 2010
Luis Razeto Migliaro, May 2010
Elements of a Solidarity Economy
A map of the solidarity economy landscape
Ethan Miller, June 2006
10 articles
Transformative economies: Towards the construction of a new world
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, October 2023
By Yiteg team, October 2023
Solecopedia: we understand solidarity economy collectively
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, Februrary 2023
Françoise Wautiez, Jason Nardi, February 2023
Fight and Build: Envisioning Solidarity Economies as Transformative Politics
Article from Non Profit Quarterly, December 14, 2022
Penn Loh, Boone Shear, December 2022
Why we need the solidarity economy
Article from The New Internationalist, 21 December 2022
December 2022
Pon la vida en el centro. Manifesto for the Solidarity Economy
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, november 2022
REAS, red de redes, November 2022
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - July 2022
Timothée Duverger, July 2022
-, the Social and Solidarity Economy resource website: already 10 years !
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2021
Françoise Wautiez, October 2021
Campaign : For an economy without virus
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - June 2020
REAS, Red de Redes, June 2020
What we learned from the 10th ILO SSE Academy
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - July 2019
Elena Tzamouranou, July 2019
Seven ways to build the solidarity economy
Article of Transformation, September 4, 2018
Emily Kawano, September 2018
Web sites :
- Coraggio economia
- Réseau interuniversitaire de l’économie sociale et solidaire
- CRIDA - Centre de recherches et d’information sur la démocratie et l’autonomie
- Center for Popular Economics
- Hyper Article en Ligne HAL Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société
- BALTA - B.C. Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance
- Revue du MAUSS permanente
- Luis Razeto Migliaro
- Grupo de Pesquisa de Economia Solidária Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais UNISINOS
- redalyc - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal Sistema de Información Científica
- Revista Vinculando
- Cooperativa Gestion Participativa
- Cedias Musée Social
- REDESS Colombia
- Le Labo de l’ESS
- Pierre William Johnson
- Claudio Nascimento, Socialismo autogestionario
- Red Universitaria Eurolatinoamericana de Estudios Asociativos y Cooperativos - RULESCOOP
- Movimiento de Economia Social y Solidaria del Ecuador - MESSE
- Le Blog de Michel Abhervé
- Grupo de estudios sobre Economia Social y Solidaria - GEES
- IEPAS - Instituto de Estudios del Pensamiento y la accion solidaria
- TFSSE - UN Inter-agency Taskforce on Social and Solidarity Economy
- Institute for Solidarity Economics
- Jean-Louis Laville
- RENAPESS - Réseau National d’appui à la promotion de l’économie sociale et solidaire du Mali
- Labo RAESS - Laboratoire et Service International d’Appui du réseau Africain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire
- De América Soy
- De América Soy
- Website de Paul Singer
- Sitio de Boaventura de Sousa Santos
- Economie Sociale Jeunesse Québec
- Kedistan
- Sosyal Ekonomi