NETZ für Selbstverwaltung und Selbstorganisation e.V.
NETZ is a German association for the Promotion and Support of Selforganisation and Solidarity Economy. It was founded in 1986 as an umbrella organisation of local networks supporting self-help, networks of workers controled enterprises and other sectoral federations like social cultural centers and training organisations in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1989 NETZ decided to go national and further regional and sectorial organisations joined Netz. To strengthen the capacity of NETZ to deliver services to its members and to do joint purchasing, also small enterprises in the broader ecological and social sense as well as freelancers could join as members. Today NETZ still offers its experiences to promote and support grassroots’ initiatives and solidarity economy also trough networking between further actors in the field. Independent regional associations exist in Berlin-Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia.
4 articoli
The climate crisis is racist… – a closer Cooperation is necessary
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - November 2021
Elisabeth Voß, novembre 2021
RIPESS Europe,
Abbracciamo Riace e Mimmo Lucano
Articolo de Netzcoop, 11/2021
Elisabeth Voß, novembre 2021
Berlin, cooperatives need more democracy
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2020
Elisabeth Voß, ottobre 2020
RIPESS Europe,
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2020
Elisabeth Voß, ottobre 2020
RIPESS Europe,