Observatoire de la Finance
The Observatoire de la Finance is a think tank where the financial world can study and debate issues of individual and collective responsibility.
The Observatoire de la Finance’s mission is to encourage account to be taken of the demands of the common good, both in and through financial activities.
2 Analyses/working papers/articles
The new global economy: emerging forms of (inter)dependence.
Created in 1996, l’Observatoire de la Finance (the Finance Observatory) seeks to make financial circles more aware of the search for the common good, that is research of conciliation between what is good for the community and what is good for people.
Paul Dembinski, April 2001
Observatoire de la Finance
The journal of futures studies, strategic thinking and policy, vol.02, no.05, October 2000
Paul Dembinski, October 2000
Observatoire de la Finance
One public contribution
The Jubilee: an idea for imposing a rhythm on the economy
An article on the Jubilee concept: imposing fifty-year cycles on the world of finance at the end of which no debts should remain, at the risk of confiscation.
Paul Dembinski, April 2001
Observatoire de la Finance
An article
Nous payons aujourd’hui le prix de la fin de BrettonWoods, quarante ans après
Article Le Temps, 15 août 2011
Paul Dembinski, August 2011
Observatoire de la Finance