Rongead Commerce International et Développement Durable
RONGEAD is an organization that acts at the core of a large international network system made up of NGOs, experts, personnel of international institutions, business, etc. The Network is RONGEAD’s focal point. It can be mobilized according to the current actions that make solidarity more effective. Every year, hundred of partners – NGOs, business, experts - cooperate on projects implemented by RONGEAD.
It aims to boost solidarity within a global economy, acting for and with developing countries populations and countries in transition in order to foster sustainable development.
2 Analyses/working papers/articles
From the WTO’s setback at Seattle… to the Conditions for Global Governance
Joseph Rocher, November 2001
Starting by acknowledging the irreversibility of the economic globalisation phenomenon, this document (a summary of the 61-page document « From the failure of the WTO at Seattle … to the conditions for global governance ») proposes a re-definition of the roles and functions of the WTO and gives propositions of action for both actors of the civil society and to the governments of countries’ members.
October 2000