The Association “Persone Comuni”, founded in Rome by a group of journalists, researchers and teachers, promotes since 2012 training and information in schools, on the territory and through on line newspaper Comune-Info. In past few years we have written investigative reports, interviews, editorials, and published national and international reports written by leading expert engaged in the world of culture and education school. Among the most affectionate contributors we include: prestigious journalists, researchers and academics of various disciplines, and teachers. The main topics covered by our association from our online newspaper are: the environment and its protection, education and culture, sharing economy etc.
Among the activities carried out by our association:
Publishing the website “Comune-info” and public presentation meetings (March 2012)
Launch of the support campaign “Nome comune di persone” (December 2012)
Promotions of cultural initiatives and of solidarity economics at Ecosolpop ( January/ December 2013)
Publication of some thematic dossiers on: “Recovered Factories”, ”Lampedusa”, “Self-production of bread”, “Tunis World Social Forum”, “WTO Conference on Climate Change” (January/December 2013)
Training sessions on social and environmental journalism in Rome, reserved for youngsters (February 2013)
Organization of the tour stage in Rome of Gustavo Esteva, Mexican intellectual, promoter of University of the land . The stage provided for a meeting with some social organizations and a public conference with 200 participants at the public library Giovenale and a follow up meeting at the Valle Theater (April 2013)
Publication of the e-book “Common Properties” (September 2013)
Media partner of a campaign to open the first listening center for abusive men with a self-financing event at the auditorium in Rome with the participation of various artists (September/December 2013)
“Telling the changing society”- journalism training seminar held at the Social School of Rome, promoted by the Province of Rome, for students, volunteers and people interested in the topic (October 2014)
“Journalists solidarity: youth social reporter for a changing city”- project carried out with the approval of the Lazio region at high school in Rome (School year 2014/2015)
Communal taverns are cultural initiatives with monthly cadence; in different places of Rome we organize convivial dinners during which are promoted the presentations of books or moments of discussion with authors of different nationalities (January/May 2015)
Design and organization of the journalistic prize “Geography lesson, school, territory, and social story” reserved for high school students in Rome (March 2015)
“Telling the changing society”-seminar distance education on social communication (June-July 2015)
“Raccontiamola Giusta” promotion and realization in various locations in the province of Rome of a public initiative on the communication of solidarity experiences and cultural and environmental education in Lazio (October 2015)
Realization of the seminar on climate change, and environmental education in schools with the participation of professors and experts of topics covered ( December 2015)
Accession to the Italian Network for Educational Cooperation (January 2016)
Participation in the international conference on self-management of social enterprises in Montevideo (April 2016)
Organization of a day of workshops on the game as an educational tool ( May 2016)
Publication of the e-book “Ci vuole il tempo che ci vuole” dedicated to learning methodologies, and critical pedagogy (September 2016)
Organization and implementation of a conference on educational systems in the Italian primary school in collaboration with the school institutions of the province of Rome and non-profit sector associations (September 2016)
Organization of a cycle of guided tours dedicated to the introduction of plastic art forms for students of lower and upper secondary schools in Rome (September 2016)
Publication of the e-book “Seminare un mondo nuovo” dedicated to environmental education (October 2016)
Analysis document/working paper/article
E-book : Reti di mutualismo e poli civici a Roma
edito da Comune-info
Januar 2023
26 Artikel
Articolo di Comune.info, 19 Gennaio 2024
Jason Nardi, Januar 2024
Un’economia urbana di prossimità
Articolo di Comune.info, 15 Gennaio 2024
Riccardo Troisi, Monica di Sisto, Januar 2024
Denaro, mutuo aiuto e comunità
Articolo di Comune.info, 09 Dicembre 2023
Gianni Votano, Dezember 2023
Articolo di Comune.info, 31 diciembre 2022
Dezember 2022
Articolo de Comune.info, 09/03/2022
redazione di Comune, März 2022
Articolo de Comune.info,27/06/2022
Ripensare l’economia dei territori
Articolo de Comune.info, 13/12/2021
Riccardo Troisi, Jason Nardi, Dezember 2021
Articolo de Comune.info, 12/10/2021
Francesca Forno, Oktober 2021
articolo de Comune.info, 12 ottobre 2019
Oktober 2019
articolo de Comune.info, 7 luglio 2019
Francesco Gesualdi, Juli 2019
articolo de Comune.info, 8 Aprile 2018
April 2019
Quell’economia che trasforma il pianeta
articolo de Comune.info, 24 ottobre 2017
Riccardo Troisi, Monica di Sisto, Oktober 2018
articolo de Comune.info, 11 ottobre 2018
Oktober 2018
Dai distretti alle comunità solidali
articolo de Comune.info, 1 ottobre 2018
Paolo Cacciari, Oktober 2018
Rendere visibile il cambiamento
articolo de Comune.info, 11 settembre 2018
Riccardo Troisi, September 2018
Le comunità che trasformano l’economia
articolo de Comune.info, 16 maggio 2018
Monica di Sisto, Riccardo Troisi, Mai 2018
articolo de Comune.info, 27 aprile 2017
Monica di Sisto, Riccardo Troisi, April 2018
Possiamo osare. Qualcuno ha iniziato
articolo di Comune.info, 27 dicembre 2017
Paolo Cacciari, Dezember 2017
articolo di Comune.info, 21 dicembre 2017
Massimo De Angelis, Dezember 2017
Capovolgere i modi di pensare e di fare
articolo di Comune.info, 17 dicembre 2017
Serge Latouche, Dezember 2017
La finanza etica nella legge di bilancio
articolo de Comune.info, 7 dicembre 2016
Dezember 2016
Si vive con meno di quanto si pensi
articolo de Comune.info, 3 maggio 2016
Lucia Bertell, Mai 2016
Articolo de comune-info .net
Claudio Tognonato, März 2014
articolo di Comune.info, 12 novembre 2013
Serge Latouche, November 2013
Le imprese “recuperate” in Europa
Articolo de comune-info .net
Riccardo Troisi, November 2013
Articolo de comune-info .net
Pablo Guerra, April 2013